Tel Technologies International Limited

Updated: 28 Sept 2024


Tel Technologies International Limited (with Chinese name 特爾科技國際有限公司) is a company registered with the Hong Kong Companies Registry under Business Registration Number 77124403 and Company Registry Number 3458181. It is a local company, which was registered on 27 Sept 2024. It is/was a private limited company.

Company details

English nameTel Technologies International Limited
Chinese name特爾科技國際有限公司
Company typelocal company
Date of registration27 Sept 2024
Date of deregistration
Public or private companyprivate
Limited bylimited
Country of incorporation
Dormant since
Dormant until
Notes and remarksNone

Company documents (most recent 20)

Certificate of Incorporation
Filed 28 Sept 2024
FNNC1 - Incorporation Form (Company Limited by Shares)
Filed 28 Sept 2024
Articles of Association
Filed 28 Sept 2024

Company names history

Tel Technologies International Limited
2024-09-28 –
2024-09-28 –